DMI Biotech is committed to scientific research on traditional natural herbs, innovative and efficacious nutritional ingredients to provide preventive healthcare solutions. We work with Japan and Malaysia Research Institute on our medicinal mushroom product cultivation and fermentation technology.
These goals are transformed into the three principles of DMI Biotech’s product development: Organic, Innovation, and Scientifically Proven.

All our ingredients are produced in a clean environment which follow strictly Mesti, GMP, Japan food safety guidelines as well as USFDA certified facility.

Through continuous research with over 45 years of experience, we know the optimal ways to produce mushroom extracts especially on Cordyceps Sinensis 冬虫夏草 at low cost yet maintaining the superb value of the active ingredients value.

Our ingredients are supported with accredited lab tested scientific data and research papers, showing that they are effective and safe to consume.